⌅The genus Fumana Spach (1836Spach, E.1836. Conspectus monographiae Cistacearum. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique (Série 2)6: 357–375.: 359) (Cistaceae) is one of the most diverse and least studied genera of the Cistaceae family with about 20 recognized species with high morphological diversity (Arrington & Kubitzki, 2003Arrington, J. M. & Kubitzki, K.2003. Cistaceae. In: Kubitzki, K. & Bayer, C. (Eds.), Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons; Malvales, Capparales and non-betalain Caryophyllales. The families and genera of vascular plants 5. Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg. 10.1007/978-3-662-07255-4_15; POWO, 2024POWO [Plants of the World Online]2024. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. RetrievedApril 14, 2024, from This genus is still little known, and an in-depth taxonomic study is needed for the entire western Mediterranean area which represents the main center of diversification of this genus, especially the Iberian Peninsula, where 13 species (six endemics) occur (Güemes & Molero, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436.; Carrió et al., 2020Carrió, E., Engelbrecht, M., García-Fayos, P. & Güemes, J.2020. Phylogeny, biogeography, and morphological ancestral character reconstruction in the Mediterranean genus Fumana (Cistaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution58(3): 201–220. 10.1111/jse.12562).
Fumana juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Pau (1904Pau, C.1904. Plantas de la Sierra de Aitana (Alicante). Boletín de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales3: 259–266.: 265) [basionym: Helianthemum juniperinum Lagasca ex Dunal (1824Dunal, M. F.1824. Helianthemum Sect. VII, Fumana. In: Candolle, A .P. de (Ed.), Prodomus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive Enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum specierum que plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta 1. Parisiis, Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Würtz, Paris: 274–276. 10.5962/bhl.title.286: 275)] is a chamaephyte species distributed in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia), Italy, France, and Spain (Battandier & Trabut, 1888Battandier, J. A. & Trabut, L. C.1888. Flore de l’Algérie. Dicotylédones 1. Typographie A. Jourdan, Alger & F. Savy, Paris.; Güemes & Molero, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436., 2002Güemes, J. & Molero, J.2002. Fumana. In:Valdés, B., Rejdali, M., Achhal El Kadmiri, A., Jury, S. L. & Montserrat, J. M. (Eds.), Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du nord du Maroc, incluant des clés d’identification 1. CSIC, Madrid: 210–212.; Conti et al., 2005Conti, F., Abbate, G., Alessandrini, A. & Blasi, C. (Eds.) 2005. An annotated checklist of the Italian vascular flora. Palombi Editori, Roma.; Le Floc’h et al., 2010Le Floc’h, É, Boulos, L. & Véla, E.2010. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la flore de Tunisie. Ministère de l’environnement et du Développement Durable, Tunis.; Tison et al., 2014Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P. & Michaud, H.2014. Flore de la France méditerranéenne continentale. Naturalia Publications, Turriers.; APD, 2024APD [African Plant Database]2024. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève & South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. RetrievedFebruary 1, 2024, from; PFI, 2024PFI [Portale della flora d’Italia]2024. Fumana juniperina (Lag. ex Dunal) Pau. Retrieved April 14, 2024, from (accessed 16 April 2024).). Phylogenetic analyses and morphological data show that F. juniperina is close to F. laevis (Cav.) Pau (1901Pau, C.1901. Relación de plantas menorquinas. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural1: 207–215.: 209) and F. thymifolia (L.) Spach ex Webb (1838Webb, P. B.1838. Iter hispaniense, or a synopsis of plants collected in the Southern provinces of Spain and in Portugal, with geographical remarks, and observations on rare and undescribed species. Béthune and Plon, Paris. 10.5962/bhl.title.59218: 69) (Molero & Rovira, 1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.; Carrió et al., 2020Carrió, E., Engelbrecht, M., García-Fayos, P. & Güemes, J.2020. Phylogeny, biogeography, and morphological ancestral character reconstruction in the Mediterranean genus Fumana (Cistaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution58(3): 201–220. 10.1111/jse.12562). This fact led various authors to recognise F. juniperina as synonym of F. laevis (see e.g., Raynaud, 1999Raynaud, C.1999. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Mathez, J.Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (Eds.), Flore pratique du Maroc 1. Institut Scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat: 323–326.; Fennane & Ibn Tattou, 2005Fennane, M. & Ibn Tattou, M. (Eds.) 2005. Flore vasculaire du Maroc. Inventaire et chorologie 1 (Série Botanique, 37). Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat.), or only at infraspecific rank of F. laevis (Bentham, 1826Bentham, G. 1826. Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas-Languedoc avec des notes et observations sur les espèces nouvelles ou peu connues; précédé d’une notice sur un voyage botanique fait dans les Pyrénées pendant l’été de 1825. Madame Huzard imprimeur-librairie, Paris.; Willkomm, 1862Willkomm, H. M.1862. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Icones et descriptions plantarum novarum criticarum et rariorum Europae austro-occidentalis praecipue Hispaniae2(19). Sumtibus A. H. Payne, Lipsiae [Leipzig]: 158–167., 1880Willkomm, H. M.1880. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Willkomm, H. M. & Lange, J. (Eds.), Prodromus florae Hispanicae seu synopsis methodica omnium plantarum in Hispania sponte nascentium vel frequentius cultarum quae innotuerunt 3.: Sumtibus E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), Sttutgartiae [Stuttgart]: 743–746.; Nyman, 1878Nyman, C. F.1878. Conspectus florae europaeae, seu enumeratio methodica plantarum phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis geographicae singularum etc. [A survey of the flora of Europe, or a methodical enumeration of the phanerogamous plants native to Europe, with an indication of the geographical distribution of the particulars, etc.]. Typis officinae Bohlinianae, Örebro [in Latin].; Battandier & Trabut, 1888Battandier, J. A. & Trabut, L. C.1888. Flore de l’Algérie. Dicotylédones 1. Typographie A. Jourdan, Alger & F. Savy, Paris.; Rouy & Foucaud, 1895Rouy, G. & Foucaud, J.1895. Flore de France ou description des plantes qui croissent spontanément en France, en Corse et en Alsace-Lorraine2. Société des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-Inférieure, Asnières [-sur-Seine] & Paris.; Pau, 1898Pau, C.1898. Herborizaciones por Valldigna, Játiva y Sierra Mariola, en los meses de abril, mayo y junio de 1896. Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural27(3): 411–452.; Grosser, 1903Grosser, W.1903. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Engler, A., Das Pflanzenreich: regni vegetablilis conspectus 14(4.193). Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann: 123–131.; Sampaio, 1947Sampaio, G.1947. Flora Portuguesa (2nd ed.). Imprensa Moderna, Oporto.; Molero & Rovira, 1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.; Güemes, 1992Güemes, J.1992. Anotaciones sobre el género Fumana (Dunal) Spach (Cistaceae) II. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid51(1): 134–135.; Gamisans, 2006Gamisans, J.2006. Fumana thymifolia subsp. juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Schlüssel, A. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XXI. Candollea 61(1): 27.). In this sense, Gamisans (2006Gamisans, J.2006. Fumana thymifolia subsp. juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Schlüssel, A. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XXI. Candollea 61(1): 27.) mentioned “Le rang d’espèce attribué à ce taxon par Tison & al. (Candollea, 54: 401, 1999Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P.Deschâtres, R. & Jeanmonod, D.1999. Fumana juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Burdet, H.M. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XV. Candollea 54(2): 401.) à la suite de Güemes & Molero (Fl. Iberica, 3: 433–435, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436.) nous paraît largement exagéré” [The species rank assigned to this taxon by Tison & al. (Candollea, 54: 401, 1999Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P.Deschâtres, R. & Jeanmonod, D.1999. Fumana juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Burdet, H.M. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XV. Candollea 54(2): 401.) following Güemes & Molero (Fl. Iberica, 3: 433–435, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436.) seems to us to be largely exaggerated].
Concerning nomenclature, Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.: 529) mentioned as the type of the name Helianthemum juniperinum [recognized as F. thymifolia f. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Grosser (1903Grosser, W.1903. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Engler, A., Das Pflanzenreich: regni vegetablilis conspectus 14(4.193). Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann: 123–131.: 130)], a specimen preserved at MPU (“Typus: in MPU, herb. Dunal (n.v.)”).
Michel Félix Dunal (24 October 1789 in Montpellier – 29 July 1856 in Montpellier) was a French botanist and professor of botany in Montpellier, France; his herbarium and types are preserved at MPU (see Stafleu & Cowan, 1976Stafleu, F. A. & Cowan, R. S.1976. Taxonomic literature: a guide to botanical publications with dates, commentaries and types1 (2nd ed.). Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. 10.5962/bhl.title.48631). However, Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.) admitted that they have not seen the material (“(n.v.)” = non vidi = not seen), so they mechanically mentioned as type. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate any original material of H. juniperinum in the herbarium MPU. As a consequence, two possible cases should be considered: (1) the specimen mentioned by Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.) preserved at MPU is lost, and (2) the specimen never existed or was preserved at MPU.
After an enquiry to the MPU herbarium, I have been informed that there is no preserved material that could be considered original and used by Dunal for describe his species (Caroline Loup, pers. comm.). Therefore, if the specimen is lost, I can apply the Art. 9.11 of International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN, see Turland et al., 2018Turland, N. J., Wiersema, J. H., Barrie, F. R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T. W., McNeill, J., Monro, A. M., Prado, J., Price, M. J. & Smith, G. F. (Eds.) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017 (Regnum Vegetabile, 159). Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. 10.12705/Code.2018) and, if the specimen never existed, the typification by Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.) is ineffective. Anyway, a typification of H. juniperinum is necessary.
Continuing my nomenclatural study of the Cistaceae names (Ferrer-Gallego & Laguna, 2012aFerrer-Gallego, P. P. & Laguna, E.2012a. Nuevos híbridos en el género Cistus L. (Cistaceae). Flora Montiberica52: 60–67., bFerrer-Gallego, P. P. & Laguna, E.2012b. Tipificación de tres cistáceas linneanas. Lagascalia32: 237–239.; Ferrer-Gallego et al., 2013aFerrer-Gallego, P. P., Ferrando, I., Campestre-Mezquida, F. & Laguna, E.2013a. Cistus heterophyllus nothosubsp. marzoi, nsubsp. nov. (Cistaceae). Bouteloua16: 27–33., bFerrer-Gallego, P. P., Laguna, E. & Crespo, M. B.2013b. Typification of six Linnaean names in Cistus L. (Cistaceae). Taxon62(5): 1046–1049. 10.12705/625.6, cFerrer-Gallego, P. P., Laguna, E. & Güemes, J.2013c. Lectotipificación de Cistus laevipes L. (Cistaceae). Botanica Complutensis37: 79–81. 10.5209/rev_BOCM.2013.v37.42271, 2015Ferrer-Gallego, P. P., Ferrando, I. & Laguna, E.2015. Lusus naturae plantae in Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis lus. obstinatus (Cistaceae). Bouteloua21: 116–122., 2020Ferrer-Gallego, P. P., Gómez, J., Roselló, R., Laguna, E. & Peris, J. B.2020. Type designation of Cistus ×canescens Sweet (Cistaceae). Flora Mediterranea30: 333–338. 10.7320/FlMedit30.333, 2021Ferrer-Gallego, P. P., Laguna, E., Alonso, M. A. & Crespo, M. B.2021. Lectotype designation of Desfontaines’s name Cistus heterophyllus and its hybrid C. ×clausonii (Cistaceae). Phytotaxa491(2): 158–166. 10.11646/phytotaxa.491.2.5; Ferrer-Gallego, 2015aFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2015a. Remarks on the nomenclatural type of Cistus origanifolius Lamarck (Cistaceae). Phytotaxa233(2): 191–195. 10.11646/phytotaxa.233.2.7, bFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2015b. Typification of three Lamarck’s names in Cistus (Cistaceae). Phytotaxa255(3): 259–266. 10.11646/phytotaxa.255.3.7, 2021aFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2021a. (2798) Proposal to conserve the name Cistus laevis (Fumana laevis) against C. pilosus (Cistaceae). Taxon70(1): 208–209. 10.1002/tax.12435, bFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2021b. (2806) Proposal to conserve the name Cistus violaceus (Helianthemum violaceum) against C. racemosus (Cistaceae). Taxon70(2): 433–435. 10.1002/tax.12481; Ferrer-Gallego & Boisset, 2015Ferrer-Gallego, P. P. & Boisset, F.2015. Lectotypification of the name Cistus stipulatus, basyonim of Helianthemum stipulatum (Cistaceae). Phytotaxa219(2): 195–198. 10.11646/phytotaxa.219.2.10), the type designation of the name Helianthemum juniperinum is investigated and discussed in this work as a good complement of the other published nomenclatural studies (Ferrer-Gallego, 2021aFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2021a. (2798) Proposal to conserve the name Cistus laevis (Fumana laevis) against C. pilosus (Cistaceae). Taxon70(1): 208–209. 10.1002/tax.12435, bFerrer-Gallego, P. P.2021b. (2806) Proposal to conserve the name Cistus violaceus (Helianthemum violaceum) against C. racemosus (Cistaceae). Taxon70(2): 433–435. 10.1002/tax.12481). The present type designation is made with the explicit purpose of stabilising the use of that name in the sense in which it has been and is being applied. For the nomenclatural purpose the name Fumana bracteifera Pau in Font Quer (1932Font Quer, P.1932. Fumana bracteifera Pau. Iter Maroccanum1930, n. 450.: 450) is also investigated.
⌅This work is based on the analysis of the protologue, the examination of relevant literature, and on the study of the original elements. The identity of the designated type is verified with the current use of the name. The name in current use is set in bold italics typeface. The homotypic synonyms are indicated with the symbol ≡; the heterotypic synonyms are indicated with the symbol =. Acronyms of the herbaria consulted are according to Thiers (2024Thiers, B. 2024. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Retrieved January 15, 2024from:
⌅Dunal’s protologue (1824Dunal, M. F.1824. Helianthemum Sect. VII, Fumana. In: Candolle, A .P. de (Ed.), Prodomus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive Enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum specierum que plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta 1. Parisiis, Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Würtz, Paris: 274–276. 10.5962/bhl.title.286: 275–276) of Helianthemum juniperinum consisted of a description (“54. H. juniperinum (Lag! in litt.) caule suffruticoso adscendente ramoso, foliis lineari-subulatis ciliatis mucronatis planis margine subrevolutis oppositis, superioribus alternis, stipulis subulatis, superioribus longioribus, pedunculis racemosis calycibusque villoso-glutinosis”), followed by three annotations: 1) “in Galliâ australi, Italiâ, regno Tunetano. C. laevipes Durand! Gouan. fl. monsp. 263? C. mauritanicus Thib! ined.”; 2) “Barr. ic. t. 443”; 3) the diagnosis “Bracteae solitariae, lineares”; and 4) “(v.s.)” (vidi siccum, i.e., seen in herbarium sheet).
The reference of Barrelier (1714Barrelier, J.1714. Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, iconibus aeneis exhibitae. Stephanum Ganeau, Paris.: ic. 443) refers to an illustration of “Chamaecistus luteus Thymi folio polyanthos Seu maio” and can be considered as original element of the name Helianthemum juniperinum. This drawing illustrates as complete plant, and details of the leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds (Fig. 1). This image can be identified as belonging to a taxon of the F. laevis complex sensu lato based on the following characters: opposite leaves, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute; inflorescence with linear bracts and up to six flowers (see e.g., Molero & Rovira, 1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.; Güemes & Molero, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436.; Raynaud, 1999Raynaud, C.1999. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Fennane, M., Ibn Tattou, M., Mathez, J.Ouyahya, A. & El Oualidi, J. (Eds.), Flore pratique du Maroc 1. Institut Scientifique, Université Mohammed V, Rabat: 323–326.; Tison et al., 2014Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P. & Michaud, H.2014. Flore de la France méditerranéenne continentale. Naturalia Publications, Turriers.).
Among the herbarium material available to Dunal, a sheet that can be associated with Helianthemum juniperinum was fortunately found. The sheet is preserved in the Geneva Herbarium (included in Candolle’s collection; G-DC), with barcode G00208151, and bears a small stem, with leaves, flowers and fruits, and a handwritten label, annotated by Lagasca as: “n. 36. / Helianth. juniperinum / Lag. / Helianth. suffruticosum patulum / stipulatum, foliis linearibus angus-tissimis, acutis, planis ciliatis, raemis / calycibusque villoso-glanduliferis./ Cistus laevipes Durand - / Facie accedit. Cisto laevipes. L. Folia / fere Juniperi communis. – Plunta / 2-4-palmaris? / ex unico specimine à D. Phillippo / Durand dato. / Habitat Tuneti. Durand”. The label is also annotated on the base as “Lagasca 1819” (handwritten by Candolle). Philipe [l’abbé] Durand (1756–1832) was a French Priest and Botanist, collector of plants in Gibraltar, Morocco, and Spain.
I have not been able to locate any further original material. To noted that the label of the sheet barcoded G00208151 is annotated “ex unico specimine à D. Phillippo / Durand”. Therefore, the only extant original material eligible for typification of the name Helianthemum juniperinum are the illustration of Barrelier (1714Barrelier, J.1714. Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae, iconibus aeneis exhibitae. Stephanum Ganeau, Paris.: ic. 443) and the specimen preserved at G-DC.
In conclusion, according to the Art. 9.12 (see Ex. 12) of ICN, occurrence in the protologue of syntypes have always precedence over illustrations in lectotype designation. Therefore, I designate as the lectotype of the name Helianthemum juniperinum the specimen G00208151 (Fig. 2). The information annotated on the label that accompanied the specimen match the protologue, and the specimen match with the traditional concept and current use of the name (e.g., lanceolate leaves, thickened margin, not revolute, acute; inflorescence up to five cm long, with triangular bracts and up to six flowers) (see e.g., Bentham, 1826Bentham, G. 1826. Catalogue des plantes indigènes des Pyrénées et du Bas-Languedoc avec des notes et observations sur les espèces nouvelles ou peu connues; précédé d’une notice sur un voyage botanique fait dans les Pyrénées pendant l’été de 1825. Madame Huzard imprimeur-librairie, Paris.; Willkomm, 1862Willkomm, H. M.1862. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Icones et descriptions plantarum novarum criticarum et rariorum Europae austro-occidentalis praecipue Hispaniae2(19). Sumtibus A. H. Payne, Lipsiae [Leipzig]: 158–167., 1880Willkomm, H. M.1880. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Willkomm, H. M. & Lange, J. (Eds.), Prodromus florae Hispanicae seu synopsis methodica omnium plantarum in Hispania sponte nascentium vel frequentius cultarum quae innotuerunt 3.: Sumtibus E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), Sttutgartiae [Stuttgart]: 743–746.; Nyman, 1878Nyman, C. F.1878. Conspectus florae europaeae, seu enumeratio methodica plantarum phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis geographicae singularum etc. [A survey of the flora of Europe, or a methodical enumeration of the phanerogamous plants native to Europe, with an indication of the geographical distribution of the particulars, etc.]. Typis officinae Bohlinianae, Örebro [in Latin].; Battandier & Trabut, 1888Battandier, J. A. & Trabut, L. C.1888. Flore de l’Algérie. Dicotylédones 1. Typographie A. Jourdan, Alger & F. Savy, Paris.; Grosser, 1903Grosser, W.1903. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Engler, A., Das Pflanzenreich: regni vegetablilis conspectus 14(4.193). Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann: 123–131.; Pau, 1904Pau, C.1904. Plantas de la Sierra de Aitana (Alicante). Boletín de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales3: 259–266.; Sampaio, 1947Sampaio, G.1947. Flora Portuguesa (2nd ed.). Imprensa Moderna, Oporto.; Güemes, 1992Güemes, J.1992. Anotaciones sobre el género Fumana (Dunal) Spach (Cistaceae) II. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid51(1): 134–135.; Güemes & Molero, 1993Güemes, J. & Molero, J.1993. Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Castroviejo, S., Laínz, M., López González, G., Montserrat, P., Muñoz Garmendia, F., Pavia, J. & Villar, L. (Eds.), Flora iberica 3. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid: 422–436., 2002Güemes, J. & Molero, J.2002. Fumana. In:Valdés, B., Rejdali, M., Achhal El Kadmiri, A., Jury, S. L. & Montserrat, J. M. (Eds.), Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du nord du Maroc, incluant des clés d’identification 1. CSIC, Madrid: 210–212.; Tison et al., 1999Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P.Deschâtres, R. & Jeanmonod, D.1999. Fumana juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Burdet, H.M. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XV. Candollea 54(2): 401., 2014Tison, J.-M., Jauzein, P. & Michaud, H.2014. Flore de la France méditerranéenne continentale. Naturalia Publications, Turriers.; Gamisans, 2006Gamisans, J.2006. Fumana thymifolia subsp. juniperina. In: Jeanmonod, D. & Schlüssel, A. (Eds.), Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XXI. Candollea 61(1): 27.; Carrió et al., 2008Carrió, E., Herreros, R., Bacchetta, G. & Güemes, J.2008. Evidence of delayed selfing in Fumana juniperina (Cistaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences169(6): 761–767. 10.1086/588070).
Finally, with the here proposed typification of Helianthemum juniperinum, the name is threatened by the previously published name by Linnaeus as Cistus pilosus (Linnaeus, 1753Linnaeus, C.1753. Species Plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas I–II [Species of Plants: showing properly recognized plants, related to genera, with specific differences, trivial names, selected synonyms, native places, arranged according to the sexual system I–II]. Holmiae, Impensis Laurentii Salvii [in Latin]. 10.5962/bhl.title.669: 528). As C. pilosus predates H. juniperinum, the Linnaean name has priority. Therefore, in order to preserve the widely used name F. juniperina, a proposal under Art. 56 of the ICN (Turland et al., 2018Turland, N. J., Wiersema, J. H., Barrie, F. R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T. W., McNeill, J., Monro, A. M., Prado, J., Price, M. J. & Smith, G. F. (Eds.) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017 (Regnum Vegetabile, 159). Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. 10.12705/Code.2018) to reject the obscure Linnaean name C. pilosus has been sent to the Nomenclatural Committee for Vascular Plants (NCVP) (Ferrer-Gallego, 2024Ferrer-Gallego, P. P.2024. (3050) Proposal to reject the name Cistus pilosus (Cistaceae). Taxon73(5): 1302–1303. 10.1002/tax.13254).
Fumana juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Pau, Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. 3: 265. 1904
≡ Helianthemum juniperinum Lagasca ex Dunal, Prodr. (A. P. de Candolle) 1: 275. 1824 [basionym]
≡ Helianthemum glutinosum var. juniperinum (Lagasca ex Dunal) Bentham in Cat. Pyrénées: 85. 1826
≡ Fumana viscidula var. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Willkomm in Icon. Descr. Pl. Nov. 2: 160. 1862
≡ Helianthemum thymifolium var. juniperinum (Lagasca ex Dunal) Nyman in Consp. Fl. Eur.: 76. 1878
≡ Fumana glutinosa f. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Battandier in Battandier & Trabut, Fl. Algérie, Dicot.: 102. 1888
≡ Fumana viscida var. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Rouy & Foucaud in Fl. France 2: 313. 1895
≡ Fumana thymifolia f. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Grosser in H. G. A. Engler (ed.), Pflanzenr., IV, 193: 130. 1903
≡ Fumana thymifolia var. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Sampaio in Fl. Port, ed. 2: 205. 1947
≡ Fumana laevis subsp. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Güemes & Molero in Güemes, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 50: 135. 1992
≡ Fumana thymifolia subsp. juniperina (Lagasca ex Dunal) Gamisans, Candollea 61: 117. 2006
Lectotype (designated here): [Tunisia] Habitat in Tuneti, Durand, s.d. [Lagasca, 1809] (G barcode G00208151!, image available at
= Fumana bracteifera Pau in Font Quer, Exsicc. (Iter Marocc.) 1930: nº 450. 1932
’. ≡ Lectotype (designated by Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.: 529): [Morocco] Cuesta Colorata, 50 m, P. Font Quer “Iter Maroccanum 1930: 450”, 1 Apr. 1930 (BC 98415! [two herbarium sheets], image available at “ejemplar del ángulo superior izquierdo: ‘Hab. in quercetis suberis juxta Cuesta Colorata, 50 m al, 1 apr. ’. ≡ Fumana thymifolia var. bracteifera (Pau) Font Quer, l.c.”. Isolectotypes: GDA no. 3195, MA no. 81850! [two herbarium sheets], MPU barcode MPU006727!, S no. 07–8627!, S-G no. 2729!.
Note: Fumana bracteifera was described by Pau in shedula in the Iter Maroccanum 1930 (in Font Quer, 1932Font Quer, P.1932. Fumana bracteifera Pau. Iter Maroccanum1930, n. 450.) (see also González Bueno, 1988González Bueno, A.1988. Las campañas botánicas de P. Font Quer en el Norte de África: una reconstrucción de los “Iter Maroccanum” (1927–1935). Treballs de l’Institut Botànic de BarcelonaXII: 7–173.: 131). The lectotype (BC no. 698415) is composed by two herbarium sheets. Molero & Rovira (1987Molero, J. & Rovira, A. M.1987. Taxonomía del grupo Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae). Candollea42: 501–531.: 529) mentioned that the lectotype is “ejemplar del ángulo superior izquierdo” [specimen on the upper left corner]. However, all material mounted in two herbarium sheets belonging to the same species. Therefore, there is no reason under Art. 8 of the ICN (see Turland et al., 2018Turland, N. J., Wiersema, J. H., Barrie, F. R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T. W., McNeill, J., Monro, A. M., Prado, J., Price, M. J. & Smith, G. F. (Eds.) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017 (Regnum Vegetabile, 159). Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. 10.12705/Code.2018) to justify the choice of a single plant as the lectotype. Accepting these typifications means considering that, in the same herbarium sheet and “also in the same specimen”, a duplicate (in this case an isolectotype), has the same barcode that the lectotype. These confusing situations should be avoided, since if all herbarium material belongs to the same species and gathering, the complete specimen must be considered as the type, regardless of the selection and restriction made by the author who designates the type.