Microsatellite cross-species amplification in the genus Centaurea (Compositae)


  • S. López-Vinyallonga Botanic Institute of Barcelona (IBB-CSIC-ICUB)




Chloroplast microsatellites, Conservation, Cross-amplification, Interspecific amplification, Narrow endemics, SSR, Transferability, Universal markers


Microsatellite cross-species amplification in the genus Centaurea (Compositae).- Microsatellites are widely used for population genetic studies although the development of these species-specific markers is costly and time-consuming. One strategy for saving time and money is the use of markers developed for one species (source species) in a different species (target species). This is known as cross-amplification. In the present work, two sets of microsatellites are used to test their transferability to six narrow endemic Centaurea species: i) 16 nuclear loci previously published for three congeneric species and ii) 10 universal chloroplast markers designed from Nicotiana tabacum sequences. Seventeen of the 26 markers tested were transferable and 14 of them were also polymorphic and therefore useful for future works. Nuclear markers were more variable and thus more informative than chloroplast markers. Interspecific amplification performed better for the nuclear loci developed for different Centaurea species than for the universal chloroplast markers developed for Nicotiana tabacum. Likewise, transferability was more successful for the species from sect. Phalolepis than for sect. Lepteranthus. Therefore, our results support the idea that the success of the cross-amplification is influenced by the evolutionary distance between the target and the source species.


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How to Cite

López-Vinyallonga, S. (2011). Microsatellite cross-species amplification in the genus Centaurea (Compositae). Collectanea Botanica, 30, 17–27. https://doi.org/10.3989/collectbot.2011.v30.002




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