Seseli farrenyi: an Empordanese endemism close to extinction?
Catalonia, conservation, decline, demography, endemism, fragmentation, invasive species, recovery plan, threatAbstract
Seseli farrenyi is a narrow endemic from Catalonia (Spain). Only a very limited number of populations of this species are known, located in the north coast of the Creus Cape (Alt Empordà). This species has been catalogued as “Endangered” (EN) according to the IUCN criteria, based on a series of studies performed in the late 1990s, which included censuses and detailed cartography. New censuses performed by the same researchers a decade later revealed a decline of 90% of the total number of individuals, as well as the loss of the species in its type locality. These data justify the classification of S. farrenyi as “Critically Endangered” (CR). The development of demographic studies in order to determine the causes of the population loss in this species should be a priority for its recovery plan, which is mandatory under the current legislation.
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