On the occurrence of Oxybasis rubra (Amaranthaceae) in Sardinia, with notes on Chenopodium blitoides and C. humile
Amaranthaceae, Oxybasis, Oxybasis rubra var. humile, Italy, synonymy, typificationAbstract
As part of an ongoing study on the genus Chenopodium s. l., 20 populations of Oxybasis rubra var. rubra were discovered in Sardinia, representing a confirmation of this taxon in the Mediterranean Island. In fact, based on literature, O. rubra was differently indicated in Sardinia over the time as occurring, doubtful or absent. Morphological characters, as well as ecological and chorological data are given. Nomenclatural notes about the names C. blitoides and C. humile are provided and neotypifications were proposed using specimens preserved, respectively, at the Herbaria BR and K.
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