Richness and endemism centers of mega genus Astragalus (Fabaceae) in Iran




biogeography, endemism, Fabaceae, PAE, species richness


Iran is the main center of speciation and endemism of Astragalus (Fabaceae), the largest flowering plant genus in the Old World. The areas of endemism and major endemic hotspots of this genus are not well known, and detailed spatial evaluation is required using several GIS-based approaches. In this paper, spatial endemism patterns of Astragalus in Iran were studied using species richness, parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and geographical interpolation of endemism (GIE) approaches. We collected 4180 distribution records for 589 Astragalus endemics from all available resources. On the basis of the richness map, three endemic hotspots were found for Astragalus in Iran. Also, seven and four areas of endemism (AoEs), were identified using GIE and PAE analysis, respectively. Atropatanean is the richest province for Iranian Astragalus endemics. The majority of the areas of endemism are located in the mountainous habitats of Iran such as Alborz, Zagros, Khorassan-Kopet Dagh as well as the central and southern highlands of Iran. Our findings showed that the mountains play an important role in Astragalus endemicity, but plains, salt marshes and rangelands also harbor numerous endemic species, so they should also be given priority for conservation. The results of the three approaches are largely consistent with each other. However, it seems that the PAE was able to operate much more successfully than the other two approaches and cover most the areas of endemism of Astragalus in Iran. Finally, we suggest that in biogeographic studies in Iran, grid cell-based techniques and circular neighborhood approaches should be used together to determine areas with conservation priority.


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How to Cite

Maassoumi, A. A. ., & Khajoei Nasab, F. . (2023). Richness and endemism centers of mega genus Astragalus (Fabaceae) in Iran. Collectanea Botanica, 42, e001.




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