On the hybrid Sideritis ×pertegasii, nothosp. nov. (Labiatae)





Carlos Pau, hybrid, Labiatae, Sideritis, Spain, Tarragona


The hybrid Sideritis ×pertegasii collected by Pau is described, interpreting its origin as the result of the crossing between S. spinulosa subsp. subspinosa and S. tragoriganum subsp. juryi (Labiatae). We provide a morphological description, a table with the main diagnostic characters of the hybrid with regard to its parents, a picture of the holotype sheet, and two illustrations enclosing iconography of the hybrid and its parent species.


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How to Cite

Roselló, R., Ferrer-Gallego, P. P., Gómez, J., Laguna, E., & Peris, J. B. (2018). On the hybrid Sideritis ×pertegasii, nothosp. nov. (Labiatae). Collectanea Botanica, 37, e014. https://doi.org/10.3989/collectbot.2018.v37.014




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